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Welcome to the home of all things pax pokemon league!

Countdown to Next PPL: PAX EAST


Countdown to Next PPL: PAX EAST



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  • New site, who dis? PPL Patch Notes?!

    Hello friends! So, you may have noticed the website looks quite different than what you’re used to. (Now with a dedicated desktop layout and a more mobile-friendly layout that’s hopefully easier to navigate the website…

    Click to Read More

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Latest Posts

  • Champion Reveal! Matt Cerise, The Festival Merchant


    Matt Cerise, The Festival Merchant


    Matt Cerise is always excited for a big event and an opportunity to be a part of it. This year he’s bringing his stall over to PAX Unplugged to help the Pokemon league celebrate. Alongside running our side events and handing out prizes Matt will be taking challengers with help from his Dipplin and the Festival Ground itself.

    You’ll have to shut down Matt’s Festival Grounds to have a shot at becoming Champion

  • Grease Slimeball,The Sludgelord and the Bonus Badges


    Grease Slimeball, The Sludgelord


    What was that sound?! It’s Grease Slimeball, knocking over a trashcan and coming at you with some nasty venom! Look out! Your Pokemon will definitely need to take a sick day after an encounter with this guy!

    Clean up Grease’s slimy Pokemon to win yourself the Ooey-Gooey Badge!

    With only five leaders gathering the five badges you’ll need to challenge the champion could be a real problem, not to Worry though the champ has added two bonus badges to help you make your way to the top!

    The Masterpiece Badge

    Help the league out by filling in the missing art on our card collection to earn yourself this badge!

    The Who’s That Badge

    Beat one of our leaders in a game of Guess Who’s That Pokemon to earn this badge along with a small prize

  • Nick, The Confusing Commander and Sean Steel, M-1000


    Nick, The Confusing Commander


    Nick specializes in controlling the battle with a combination of status ailments and psychic powers. With a calm and calculating demeanor, he uses his psychic-type Pokémon to inflict debilitating conditions like confusion, sleep, and poison to weaken them over time before ending the match with a massive attack.

    Stock up on Full Heals if you want to win the Conundrum Badge

    Sean Steel, M-1000


    Sean Steel has spent the last few years opening Mystery Box after Mystery Box in order to find the strongest Meltan to fill his deck with. Sean uses these Meltan in a powerful Steel-type deck designed to overpower his opponents.

    Melt Sean’s Steel-Types to earn the Bolt Badge!

  • Justice, The Mad Party-goer and Seymour, The Battling History Buff


    We’re only a few days out from Pax Unplugged so lets meet this years Gym Leaders!

    Justice, The Mad Party-goer


    Justice has taken up residence as the League’s Bro-fessional Mad Party player. Watch out for the Abilities and Trainer cards to fill their Discard, they’ll leave you feeling Slow, Bro! With their iconic Bro-teagiest tea, they’ll steep you in a bro-tanical fusion of powerful deck synergy and herbal Rooi-bros infusion.

    Do you have what it takes to take down Justice and become a Bro-kémon Champion and earn the Party On Badge?

    Seymour, The Battling History Buff


    As one of the region’s most studied history instructors, Seymour is famous for his deep knowledge of how Pokemon battling has evolved throughout the ages. Most of his time is spent poring through records in his study. Despite this, he can more than hold his own in a Pokemon battle, showing up-and-coming trainers that there is much to learn about the present by studying the past. Now he has come to the PAX Pokemon League, hoping to find trainers who will help him re-enact battles from long ago.

    Ace the exam and you will earn the Antiquity Badge!

  • Kuribo, the Inverted Inventor!


    Kuribo is an inventor who was always trying to study ways to his battling. One day an accident caused an implosion while he was working, destroying his lab. It was then that he realised the key to unlocking his true battle potential was not improvement, but inversion!

    Turn Kuribo’s strengths against him to win the Mirror Badge!

  • Sarah, the Simian Sensation!


    Sarah spent years raising orphaned simian Pokémon at a Pokémon sanctuary until she discovered one fact: the monkeys just want to battle. So she re-dedicated her life to helping her simian companions shine in double battles.  

    This team is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Come take them on to win the Banana Badge!

  • Victor, the Duke of Snacksalot!


    Victor comes from a long lineage of Kalosian connoisseurs renowned for their extravagant tea parties, but finds himself equally thirsty for battle! With his trusty teatime companions at hand to get him out of a jam (or into some), he has proven his prowess at the Battle Chateau and welcomes a hearty challenge – provided you join him for tea first!

    Claim victory over Victor to become royalTea with the Teatime Badge!

  • Mira, the Metallic Monarch!


    When Mira looked down at her crown on the day of her coronation, she was fascinated by the way that various metals and jewels came together to form something sturdy and beautiful. Mira needed this same tactic – both for her kingdom and on the battlefield. Whilst Mira brought together secretaries and subjects to create order in her empire, she also collected only the best metallic ‘mons for her new-founded “alloying” battle style. Now she has come to PAX to show everyone that a good defence is crucial to rule.

    Liquate Mira’s team to earn the Alloy Badge!

  • Nix, the Novelist!


    Nix is a trainer who sought after grand stories of myths and legends and eventually wrote his own stories as he travelled. Along the way, he created three characters. One that befriended scaled beasts, one that sunk into the darkness and one who trained in combat. Can you find the weakness in these characters to beat the Unovan Novelist Nix?

    Dazzle the novelist and his characters to earn The Colour Badge!

  • Ace, the Heated Explorer!


    Ace grew up surrounded by islands and mountains and from a young age loved exploring, especially volcanos. This was what forged their love of fire Pokémon.

    Douse Ace’s burning ambitions to earn the Meteor Badge!


  • New site, who dis? PPL Patch Notes?!

    Hello friends! So, you may have noticed the website looks quite different than what you’re used to. (Now with a dedicated desktop layout and a more mobile-friendly layout that’s hopefully easier to navigate the website…

    Click to Read More

  • Champion Reveal! Matt Cerise, The Festival Merchant


    Matt Cerise, The Festival Merchant


    Matt Cerise is always excited for a big event and an opportunity to be a part of it. This year he’s bringing his stall over to PAX Unplugged to help the Pokemon league celebrate. Alongside running our side events and handing out prizes Matt will be taking challengers with help from his Dipplin and the Festival Ground itself.

    You’ll have to shut down Matt’s Festival Grounds to have a shot at becoming Champion

  • Grease Slimeball,The Sludgelord and the Bonus Badges


    Grease Slimeball, The Sludgelord


    What was that sound?! It’s Grease Slimeball, knocking over a trashcan and coming at you with some nasty venom! Look out! Your Pokemon will definitely need to take a sick day after an encounter with this guy!

    Clean up Grease’s slimy Pokemon to win yourself the Ooey-Gooey Badge!

    With only five leaders gathering the five badges you’ll need to challenge the champion could be a real problem, not to Worry though the champ has added two bonus badges to help you make your way to the top!

    The Masterpiece Badge

    Help the league out by filling in the missing art on our card collection to earn yourself this badge!

    The Who’s That Badge

    Beat one of our leaders in a game of Guess Who’s That Pokemon to earn this badge along with a small prize

  • Nick, The Confusing Commander and Sean Steel, M-1000


    Nick, The Confusing Commander


    Nick specializes in controlling the battle with a combination of status ailments and psychic powers. With a calm and calculating demeanor, he uses his psychic-type Pokémon to inflict debilitating conditions like confusion, sleep, and poison to weaken them over time before ending the match with a massive attack.

    Stock up on Full Heals if you want to win the Conundrum Badge

    Sean Steel, M-1000


    Sean Steel has spent the last few years opening Mystery Box after Mystery Box in order to find the strongest Meltan to fill his deck with. Sean uses these Meltan in a powerful Steel-type deck designed to overpower his opponents.

    Melt Sean’s Steel-Types to earn the Bolt Badge!

  • Justice, The Mad Party-goer and Seymour, The Battling History Buff


    We’re only a few days out from Pax Unplugged so lets meet this years Gym Leaders!

    Justice, The Mad Party-goer


    Justice has taken up residence as the League’s Bro-fessional Mad Party player. Watch out for the Abilities and Trainer cards to fill their Discard, they’ll leave you feeling Slow, Bro! With their iconic Bro-teagiest tea, they’ll steep you in a bro-tanical fusion of powerful deck synergy and herbal Rooi-bros infusion.

    Do you have what it takes to take down Justice and become a Bro-kémon Champion and earn the Party On Badge?

    Seymour, The Battling History Buff


    As one of the region’s most studied history instructors, Seymour is famous for his deep knowledge of how Pokemon battling has evolved throughout the ages. Most of his time is spent poring through records in his study. Despite this, he can more than hold his own in a Pokemon battle, showing up-and-coming trainers that there is much to learn about the present by studying the past. Now he has come to the PAX Pokemon League, hoping to find trainers who will help him re-enact battles from long ago.

    Ace the exam and you will earn the Antiquity Badge!

  • Kuribo, the Inverted Inventor!


    Kuribo is an inventor who was always trying to study ways to his battling. One day an accident caused an implosion while he was working, destroying his lab. It was then that he realised the key to unlocking his true battle potential was not improvement, but inversion!

    Turn Kuribo’s strengths against him to win the Mirror Badge!

  • Sarah, the Simian Sensation!


    Sarah spent years raising orphaned simian Pokémon at a Pokémon sanctuary until she discovered one fact: the monkeys just want to battle. So she re-dedicated her life to helping her simian companions shine in double battles.  

    This team is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Come take them on to win the Banana Badge!

  • Victor, the Duke of Snacksalot!


    Victor comes from a long lineage of Kalosian connoisseurs renowned for their extravagant tea parties, but finds himself equally thirsty for battle! With his trusty teatime companions at hand to get him out of a jam (or into some), he has proven his prowess at the Battle Chateau and welcomes a hearty challenge – provided you join him for tea first!

    Claim victory over Victor to become royalTea with the Teatime Badge!

  • Mira, the Metallic Monarch!


    When Mira looked down at her crown on the day of her coronation, she was fascinated by the way that various metals and jewels came together to form something sturdy and beautiful. Mira needed this same tactic – both for her kingdom and on the battlefield. Whilst Mira brought together secretaries and subjects to create order in her empire, she also collected only the best metallic ‘mons for her new-founded “alloying” battle style. Now she has come to PAX to show everyone that a good defence is crucial to rule.

    Liquate Mira’s team to earn the Alloy Badge!

  • Nix, the Novelist!


    Nix is a trainer who sought after grand stories of myths and legends and eventually wrote his own stories as he travelled. Along the way, he created three characters. One that befriended scaled beasts, one that sunk into the darkness and one who trained in combat. Can you find the weakness in these characters to beat the Unovan Novelist Nix?

    Dazzle the novelist and his characters to earn The Colour Badge!

  • Ace, the Heated Explorer!


    Ace grew up surrounded by islands and mountains and from a young age loved exploring, especially volcanos. This was what forged their love of fire Pokémon.

    Douse Ace’s burning ambitions to earn the Meteor Badge!

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