by Steven Stone » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:10 am
Just make sure to be careful with Shed Skin. It's accuracy isn't great, and can be unreliable.
I got really excited while researching this, as a Marvel Scale + Rest + Sleep Talk + Eviolite set would have been absolutely MARVELous, but unfortunately you cannot get Sleep Talk on Marvel Scale Dragonair right now, because Marvel Scale is a dream world ability, and Sleep Talk is a Gen IV TM.
With Dragon Tail, you don't need Haze, because when it switches out the opponents Pokemon, they lose the boosts anyway.
The choice between the last move should ultimately be up to what her team ends up having trouble with. Dragon Rush/Outrage would be a strong Physical Stab, but Aqua Tail would provide more coverage. Or, if you're having trouble with opposing bulky Pokemon, you could even use Toxic.
Either way, good luck! You're going to have a lot of fun with this set!
Mitch/Morty PPL Prime '11/Steven Stone PPL East '11