Yeah you could probably get away with a badge switch if Andrei actually picked it up then gave it to you, but I don't know about it otherwise... ECCC is the weekend before SakuraCon this year, too. (Maybe NorWesCon doesn't overlap this year? I'm not even going to bother checking, though.) I know for ECCC and SakuraCon it's pretty dependent on when they can get the convention center, but I liked it this year when they were a month apart. Either way, I'll definitely find those of you who will be at SakuraCon to hang out! (And at some point at it, I will be cosplaying Madame Boss so I can annoy Giovanni.
This is a bit further off, but is anyone else going to San Diego Comicon next year? This will be my first time going. Actually, it'll be my first time even going out of Washington state for a convention.
Goodness, I need to quit rambling on here and finish repairing my costume so I can pack it. >_<