This is a cool project, and congrats on getting so far. I've been doing something similar, but are no where near where you are.
I have the following I could breed you from the list you need:
[spoilerk3t]-Butterfree - Tinted Lens
-Spearow - Sniper
-Pinsir - Moxie
-Ledyba - Rattled
-Chinchou - Water Absorb
-Octillery - Moody
-Delibird - Insomnia
-Plusle - Lightningrod
-Minun - Volt Absorb
-Roselia - Leaf Guard
-Shuppet - Cursed Body
-Duskull - Frisk
-Relicanth - Sturdy
-Turtwig - Shell Armor
-Combee - Hustle
-Pachirisu - Volt Absorb
-Drifloon - Flare Boost
-Lillipup - Run Away
-Purrloin - Prankster
-Ducklett - Hydration
-Litleo - Moxie
-Bergmite - Sturdy
-Noibat - Telepathy[/spoilerk3t]
As trade, if I could possibly get a couple of hatchlings from you with HAs that would be super rad:
[spoilerk3t]Charmander, Diglett, Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Mudkip, Lileep, Anorith, Piplup, Cranidos, Shieldon, Titouga, Chespin, Tyrunt, Amaura, Hawlucha.
I have a lot more I need to get, but these are the ones I'll have most difficulty with
Otherwise any random trash you want to catch to trade c:
Let me know!
FC: 5300-9550-0456
IGN: Astrid
[url=]PPL Aus '15 Astrid of the Cat-Dog Duo[/urlnf9]
[url=]PPL Aus '16 Mim, the Mini ‘Mon Master![/urlnf9]
PPL Aus '19 ?????