Hey all! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!
The name's Jerichai. I've been a huge fan of the Pokemon games since Gen 1 (though I did miss Gen 3 and 4 due to silly reasons; i.e. I let other people's opinions of playing Pokemon in High School and College influence me...that won't be happening again. I don't care if I'm 50 and still playing these games). Play a bit competitively, but I tend to like to come up with oddball teams or base my Pokemon off of odd strategies, so winning in that scene doesn't usually come easily for me, haha.
I've been going to PAX East for a few years now. I've seen to PPL around, but the first two years I was there, I was trying to do too many different things and simply didn't have enough time to give it a go. I'm hoping to change that soon! I love PAX so much, and would love to give back to the event in so way, since I feel like it's the community's support of the event that makes it so awesome. I'd love a be a gym leader one day. I feel like it would be an awesome way to support the PAX experience while doing something I love!
Anyways, look forward to getting to know everyone better!