I have a brainstorm concept. I don't expect it to be used, but maybe there's something to be taken from it.
The idea is borrowed from the pub crawls, where you get a bonus badge for dressing up. This effectively gives you a free pass on one of the challenges. There's a couple ways we could do this:
- Have a single "bonus badge" which can be given for dressing up/having a funny team/having a theme team/etc.
- Have a badge for several different "casual goals" (like the ones mentioned above). Maybe a scavenger hunt? Bringing Heleor lunch? (minion badge)
This would serve two purposes:
- Less competitive people would be able to get more badges. (Not saying if this is a good or bad thing)
- Hypothetically less people waiting in line for non-elite four members.
Again... this is a brainstorm.