I'm Coan, aka Coan Arcanius, aka Conan.
I've been playing Pokemon since gen 1, played some gen 2, skipped 3, got back into it hard with 4 and working again to try and catch em all (was so close in pearl...490/493
) Unlike the other old folks who started with gen 1, I'm ok with all generations, even that misfit gen in the middle that I played through after completing gen 4.
As for PPL, I participated last year and it was a blast, didn't quite get my 8 badges, but, such is trying to juggle EVERYTHING with my first pax.
For PA, I've been a part of the community for the most part over almost 15 years, so I'm pretty stoked to have things in line to goto East these days and meet friends I've only known online or have met before with other PA events (like the pre-cursor to PAX, NecrowombiCON).
Stoked to be participating in ppl east 2014 (possibly as a leader) and seeing what X/Y keeps bringing for surprises.