I only saved one battle video over the weekend, because there was only one battle I'd actually want to see again. It's a [url=http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=search&vid=&bid=17-11900-63677yox]double battle with my partner and I against Yellow & Red for both badges[/urlyox].
The story: My partner asked to challenge Yellow, who offered to bring in Red and I for a double battle to get both badges. We protested that we were only at the Casual level, so Red was forced to be nice and not destroy us. He really, really wanted to - but thankfully managed to resist. Despite knowing that they went really easy on us, we were still pretty pleased that we won, haha.
Now, aside from the fact that neither of us has ever done competitive double battling, we genuinely didn't plan what our team would be. We actually didn't know that with IR double battles, the first three members of your current team would be used. So we each prepared six member teams, and then, surprise! The battle started without a chance to pick who we'd send in.
So we accidentally wound up starting with Golem and Luxray, and it took two turns before her Luxray used Discharge. Sure, the timing was perfect, but it [iyox]wasn't even on purpose[/iyox], lol. I'm glad I had Machamp in my first three for Stone's Edge, though - not sure how we would have done without it. Glad I took some inspiration from post-game E4 in HeartGold