On April 9th, the PAX Pokemon League Stream team will be hosting a stream to raise money for the charity [url=http://ablegamers.comcf4]Able Gamers[/urlcf4] . We will be streaming for 12 hours starting at 11 am EST and will have several incentives through out the day, with the main incentive being having Emre wear a tutu for his leader cosplay at PAX East next month. The stream will be happening on our [url=http://twitch.tv/paxpokemoncf4]Twitch channel[/urlcf4], so please [url=https://www.facebook.com/paxpokemon/posts/1125536344155604cf4]spread the[/urlcf4] [url=https://twitter.com/PaxPokemon/status/713919872246394882cf4]word[/urlcf4] and mark your calendars! Check out our [url=http://tiltify.com/events/the-pax-pokemon-league-charity-stream-for-ablegamerscf4]campaign page![/urlcf4]