East 2015 Leaders

East 2015 Leaders, PAX East 2015, PPL 2015

Leaders: Scott, Jake & Will, and Volga!


Leader: Scott, the Fluffy Enthusiast!


     Strategy: Overpowering the opponent with fluff
Trainer’s Pokémon: The fluffiest around
Trainer’s Message: It’s so fluffy!

Fluffy Badge

Show Scott your extreme fluff to earn the Fluffy Badge!


Leader: Jake and Will, the Storytelling Brothers!


Strategy: Our Pokémon support each other’s attacks!
Trainer’s Pokémon: Whimsical Fairies spoken about in legend!
Trainer’s Message: We love collecting folk tales and the Pokémon behind them!

Grimm BadgeWeave a good story in battle to earn the Grimm Badge!


Leader: Volga, the Dragon Knight!


     Strategy: With the wrath of the dragon within, incinerate my adversaries and subject them to the darkness.
Trainer’s Pokémon: Only those bearing resemblance to my own glory.
Trainer’s Message: If you’re ready to join your ancestors, then I accept your challenge!

Berserker BadgeLet loose your wild side to earn the Berserker Badge!


East 2015 Leaders, PAX East 2015, PPL 2015

Leaders: Rime and Hiker Thane!


Leader: Rime, the Arctic Researcher!


     Strategy: I’ve put everything I’ve got into my calculations.
Trainer’s Pokémon: The chilling power of my Pokémon will put you on ice!
Trainer’s Message: If you and your Pokémon truly trust each other, you can weather any storm. Snowfeather BadgeDefrost Rime’s team to earn the Snowfeather Badge!


Leader: Hiker Thane, the Jolly Mountain Man!


     Strategy: Slow and sturdy, that’s the ticket!
Trainer’s Pokémon: Mountain and cave dwellers.
Trainer’s Message: Best pace yourself, I’m in it for the long haul.

Summit Badge Navigate the rocky passes of battle to claim the Summit Badge!


East 2015 Leaders, PAX East 2015, PPL 2015

Leaders: Kenneth & Kathleen, Heaven, and Shawna!


Leader: Kenneth & Kathleen, the Contest Coordinators!


     Strategy: Style, Grace, Charm, Brains and Brawn; balance is the path to true strength!
Trainer’s Pokémon: The talented stars of the show!
Trainer’s Message: Demonstrate your mastery over move combinations!

Ribbon Badge

Show Kenneth and Kathleen your contest skills to earn the Ribbon Badge!


Leader: Heaven, The Deep-Seated Hero!


Strategy:  I’ve got all the elements in my arsenal!
Trainer’s Pokémon: These are practically my children, my lifeline.
Trainer’s Message: I took the path of researcher instead of trainer, but even I know my findings won’t be complete until I truly battle.

Kaleidoscope Badge

Shine brighter than the colours of the rainbow, ascend higher than the skies and earn the Kaleidoscope Badge!


Leader: Shawna, The Shining Star!


Strategy:  I use a combination of strong special and physical attacks!
Trainer’s Pokémon: My Pokémon will cover each other well!
Trainer’s Message: My aristocratic background only proves that I can get things for myself!

Comet Badge

Become a star yourself and earn the Comet Badge!



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